
Your Shares, Your Access

Brush up on the frengate ecosystem, our tokenomics, frengate rewards calculation, and everything that makes our ticker tick.
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Snag your tokens and join your frens! Get in early and see what all your frens are saying.


Some of our tokens are heading to the bonfire to keep things lean! Less supply, more demand—simple as that.


Share your frengate profile with the community and start connecting! Frens are deeper than just tokens.


Only shareholders gain access

Tired of manually adding and verifying new shareholders? frengate does this automatically, 24/7

Find your community

Search for new communities based on interest, find new users, or join your existing frens.

Reward your frens

What's a community if you not for giving back? Stay tuned for further information regarding frengate holder rewards in the very near future.

No security risks

frengate requires zero smart contract interaction, ensuring your wallets stay secure and your funds are safu.

User and Creator pages

Add some flair to your pages with group descriptions, interest tabs, analytics, and more!

1 minute to setup

Link your Discord / Telegram community to your Friend Tech account in less than a minute. It's that easy.

What's coming?

Phase I
Demonstrating Product Delivery
In Phase I, our primary goal was to showcase our commitment to delivering products, not just ideas. This phase has predominantly catered to creators, and our analytics tools are now accessible to everyone. Following today's release, we will dedicate a few days to onboarding new creators before beginning Phase II
Phase II
Enhancing Focus on Token and Users
Phase II will shift our focus towards our token and user community. We aim to enhance rewards redistribution and provide user-centric tools. More of our upcoming product releases will require $FGATE, and we will introduce more rewarding experiences.
Prioritizing Burn Mechanism Over Token Sales
Our team is committed to ensuring that users don't merely buy $FGATE, pay it to the team, and then see us dumping it back into circulation. That's why we have implemented a burn mechanism instead. Note that the service fees are denominated in ETH, the price of $FGATE is not relevant.

Phase III, to be revealed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is frengate's primary goal?

frengate aims to bridge gaps in the friend tech ecosystem by simplifying the creation and management of Discord and Telegram communities while ensuring secure key holder authentication.

Is frengate a paid service?

frengate's authentication and loyalty rewards calculator are paid services. all data analytics and dashboards on our sites are free to use for everyone

How does frengate help creators?

frengate enables creators to establish and manage communities effortlessly, complete with automatic key holder authentication. frengate also helps creators to rank their loyal keyholders, and calculate how much % of rewards each keyholder should receive. this is especially useful for communities that act as a farm

How does frengate help key holders?

stay tuned to our twitter... there is much more than rewards distribution

Do I need to interact with any smart contracts?

The only smart contract interaction required is when a creator swaps to buy our $FGATE token, which can be done either on UniSwap or on our site.

Are there customizability options for the mininum number of keys required?

Yes, you have full control to set the minimum number of keys required for individuals to access your community.

How do users verify their key holder status?

Users can easily verify their key holder status without any smart contract interaction. All they need to do is sign to verify the ownership of their wallet.

What does the frengate Loyalty Rewards Calculator do?

frengate's Loyalty Rewards Calculator allows creators to easily calculate who their loyal holders are without any risk of getting exploited or "gamed" by whales

How does frengate prevent exploitation in rewards distribution?

frengate rewards calculation system takes into account factors like key accumulation by whales and wash trading to ensure fair rewards for everyone.


Build or join a community, today.

We empower creators to build stronger & safer communities with ease while also rewarding their shareholders.